Posts Tagged ‘School’

WARNING: The statements on this blog are the opinions of Miss Mimmee Shindo and only her.. Don’t
take any of my words personally. Please, don’t be offended by this. As always,
I want to try to keep every post drama free. I’m sharing my thoughts and
observations on this touchy subject.


I think that almost everyone in Pennsylvania has heard about the accident. This weekend 4 kids from my high
school died in a car crash. Seeing how it’s only months after we lost another
student from a car accident. I won’t go into detail about the accident, so here
is a link right here.
there is a lot of useful information on this site. Make sure to read the
comments too. Manheim suffered a great loss, and FaceBook is BLOWING up with
posts, pictures, and other things related to the 4 boys who are no longer with
us. May they rest in peace, and may the families stay strong.

Now here comes my thoughts. I am not talking about how I feel about the deceased boys, because everything I
know is just rumors and until they tell us what really happened I am left in
the dark. Maybe when the cops look through the boys cell phones they’ll know
what happened. The thing that bothers me about all this is how some people are
dealing with it. Whenever someone dies in a school, that’s when tons of people
start acting fake to be accepted in society. People who don’t even care and
have been known to dislike some or all of these boys and constantly talked bad
on them while they are alive are posting things on FaceBook about how
“close” they were and how “important” they were to them. With my experience of
kids in my schools dying, and my own Grandma’s funeral, I know how people can
be. You would not believe how many people cry and don’t really feel upset about
the accident. Truthfully, I have not cried about the accident one time. I
haven’t posted anything on FaceBook or Twitter. You know why? I never knew
these boys. I was never friends with them, and only ever saw them in the
hallways. I agree that it is a loss and that people have the right to be upset,
but I am not personally affected by this incident. I know that sounds
horrible, but that’s my feelings. If people want to say things about me because
of this, they can go right on ahead and talk because I haven’t done anything

Another thing that seriously bothers me about this is that they might be postponing our finals. Better yet,
they said that finals are OPTIONAL. In
all my years of school, the only time I ever missed a test was that I
was out sick, or when my Grandma died. It makes sense for the family
and friends to miss their final tests, but the entire school? Telling
kids a final is optional is like saying there is no final. Sometimes
schools don’t think. My school is also providing counseling in our
library, complete with dogs. We’re allowed to go down there
anytime we want to and stay there as long as we want. Not to sound rude,
but I really doubt most of the kids in my school are that shaken
up that they can’t take a final or stay in class. The family
and friends makes sense..but say if I missed my final, it wouldn’t.
In my Computer Class, that I am typing this post in right  now, my teacher
started out the class crying and telling us all about it. In the middle of my
teacher talking about it, a girl raised her hand and said “So, are we doing the
finals?” the teacher told her about how it is optional and she replied “So
we don’t have to do them?” All I have to say.. FAKE.. Right now the same
girl is playing computer games while everyone else is making cards, or expressing
their grief. I just can’t believe that someone could be so fake.

Death is never an easy thing to get over. I understand this better than most people my age. Seeing someone die
really changes how you think about death. I saw my grandma pass away on January
6, 2008. I still get really emotional when I talk about it. My mind is slowly
wiping that picture away. I don’t go to school sometimes on that day, and I
usually go to the cemetery and leave flowers behind. I can go to school on her
birthday, February 22, but I still leave flowers on that day. I guess what I am
trying to say is that mourning the loss of a loved one can last a long time.
This year I was out of school on my Grandma’s death day. Guess what. I still
made up the three tests that I had missed. Death doesn’t mean you can neglect
school. This morning me and my mom were talking about the incident, and we
agreed that the school shouldn’t let kids just miss things like this. We’re not
teaching good habits by just letting it slide like that. In our high school
years, school is more and more important with each year. You can’t slack off in
Freshman year or you will continue along the same path in all other years.

Back when I was in 6th grade, 3 school years ago, a girl a grade below me passed away due to Influenza B. I
don’t know if anyone remembers Olivia McCrery.. Here’s a page that might help
you remember. She died the same year my Grandma did,%20Olivia%20Condolences.htm
My school grieved. That much is obvious. We held a day where we all wore her
favorite color, green, and took a huuuge picture of all the school like
this. At the end of the year assembly, we sang a song in her honor and talked
about her, giving some things like flowers to her family. We also sang for
another girl named Michaela Meese (I believe I spelled her name wrong). She had
died a few years before from cancer and was also in the Class of 2014. It
brought back feelings in the school that were long forgotten. I wasn’t yet at
that school when Michaela died, yet I understand what it is like to lose a kid
in my school. But you know what both these girl’s deaths had in common? We
still had school as normal. Our lessons were not forgotten, we still took
tests. We did have a counselor, but it was only for her friends. They would
check in with some of the kids and make sure they were alright before moving on
and helping those who need it. If we continued our work in Elementary School,
surely a High School Student can too..  Death is much harder for a 5th, or
6th grader to understand. Maybe it’s just Manheim.. They aren’t used to it. At
other schools around here, kids get shot, killed, raped, and mugged. Can you
imagine how much work we’d miss if that happened around here?

My opinions and statements may be
harsh, but it’s always good to let opinions out.



Rest In Peace

  • DeVaughn Lee
  • John Griffith
  • Nick Bryson
  • Cody Hollinger

I haven’t been a good poster lately.. I’m sorry guys…. I’ve had a  lot going
on right now, and my stupid teachers have actually been asking me to do stuff
instead of just sitting around and doing nothing. Just to make you guys think I
actually have done a lot instead of just ignoring my lovely little readers,
I’ll post the pictures that I’ve been working on, that have commanded my

By the way, my personal life is
going great. My girlfriend is amazing, my mom and Melissa are treating me
well, my friends aren’t fighting as much, and I’m not as stressed or depressed.
I don’t know if I have told you guys yet, but the bad news is that my
mom’s girlfriend’s dog, Lady, passed away on January 4, 2011. It all happened
so fast.. I had been asleep in my room and my mom woke me up, crying, and
basically freaking out.. I saw Melissa kneeling on the ground next to Lady,
crying. Lady was still alive, but not for much longer. My mom and Melissa took
her to the emergency vet and she was gone.. I miss her.. I mean, she always
laid on the rug to wait for me when I came home from school, or woke up, or
came home after being with friends. It was hard for all of us to walk in the
door over the week. Melissa burst into tears every time she saw the empty space
on the rug where 3 legged Lady used to lay.

So… here’s the pictures. The
model is my friend, and private independent model named Claudia. If she put
modeling forward, she’d have a promising career. She’s only 14 years old. My
notes are going to be ABOVE the pictures.

1. This is just one of her that I took before she actually started being

2. This one was taken when she was hiding behind my house, so that nobody
would think she was a creeper with a knife.

3. The blood in these pictures is supposed to be cheesy and fake, I’m using
these pictures for a CD cover that I am doing in Graphic Design.

4. I personally love this one.. she looks so pretty and innocent

5. This one I thought looked really cool, I’m making this one my cover, I

6. This one was fun to do, I had to be reeeally specific in what I told her
to do. She didn’t really get it.

7. I LOVE this one so much… It’s fantastic.

8. This one is cool. I like it, but I don’t think I am gonna use it.

9. This one is fantabulous… I am probably using it somewhere.

10. Okay, this one is one of my top favorites.. It looks so deranged yet
cool.. I am probably going to use this. I think she’ll either love it or hate
it when she sees it.

Okay, so there we go. Please
guys, give me feedback on the ones you like. I’ll try to post more regularly,
maybe I’ll even haul out my DSi and make entries on that.

Also, I might be starting
something I call “The Weekly Rant” which will be a long post about the things
that bother me. Should I do this?



Being a high schooler and having a cell phone, I can definitely relate
to this topic here. Cell phones and school. Most schools across the United
States are banning the use of cell phones in their schools, some schools
forbidding students to have their phone with them in general, even if their
phone is off and away in a backpack, purse and in some cases, locker. I
personally think that students should be able to have their cell phones in
school and that by making such a big deal about it we are only making the
problem worse. Below is a list of why schools usually forbid cell phones.

-Distraction in class.

-Can be used to cheat in school.

-Kids can take pictures in the
locker rooms and bathrooms.

-Organizing Drug Deals

There is more, but these are the
biggest reasons.

I will be tackling these issues
category by category, and then moving on to things that I think are important.

Distractions in Class

While a cell phone could in fact
be a distraction, who are they being a distraction to? The kid with the phone,
of course. In my opinion the phone is only a distraction if kids are showing
others in their classes things that they are doing on their phones. If they are
just sending a text message, I don’t really think that counts as a distraction.
Maybe if the phone has an obnoxious ring tone, or the kid is talking on their
phone I could see this. But that is why they have vibration and silence
settings on most phones. As for talking on the phone, I agree that talking on
the phone is a huge distraction. Text messaging, however, is not. And plus, if
students were allowed to use their phones, they wouldn’t have to hide their
phones and waste time. They could just whip them out and send their text, then
leave it on their desk or put it in their pocket or bag. If I do text in
school, I put my purse on my lap and text inside my purse. I always make sure
to pull out a legitimate object such as a pencil, eraser, calculator, or lip
balm out and use it. I have never gotten caught with this method, but I have
realized that it takes more time than just taking out my phone and texting,
which I can do in my computer class. The teacher sits in the front, and I am in
the back row. I text with my phone parallel to the desk and she never notices.
I just think it’s stupid to say that cell phones are a distraction. There are
so many things that can distract kids in a class. With me, I can get
entertained and not pay attention to my lessons by biting my nails and messing
with my hair. Or even looking at the features of a kid in my class. Does that
mean that students should wear gloves and hairnets and masks to prevent them
from doing this? I mean, it is a huge distraction, after all.


This one gets me every time. Kids
have been finding ways to cheat on tests since the beginning of the invention
of school. Yes, some kids cheat on tests. Some kids text during texts. I think
if there was a policy that during free working time, lunch, and in the hallways
and study halls, kids should be allowed to text freely, yet when they actually
had to work, they had to pay attention and refrain from using their phones,
that things would be much better. I say this, because kids are allowed to talk
in all of these places (besides maybe Study Hall) so they should be able to
text too. I can fully understand why texting during a test could be a problem.
I mean, it’s a test. Being a freshman who finds a way to text in every class, I
still don’t text during a test or cheat on my assignments with my phone.

Inappropriate Pictures

In fact, this has happened. Kids
have taken inappropriate pictures of other students in bathrooms, locker rooms,
and like areas. My problem with this is if the kids could just invite someone
over to their house and take illegal pictures of them, why is it such a big
deal in school that causes phones to be forbidden? There’s always going to be
the problem kids that take dumb pictures of other kids. This is going to go
into the thing about Child Pornography here.. If they can see it in real life
by peeking over stall doors, or looking at them in the locker rooms why should
a picture be so much more of a problem? This relates to Child Pornography
because I think it is completely stupid that it is illegal for kids to send
naked pictures of THEMSELVES to other minors. They’re both minors, why should
either of them be charged with Child Porn? I didn’t think it was a big deal to
have pictures of your OWN body on your phone. I will be writing a post about the
whole Child Porn thing. But hopefully you see my point here.

Organizing Drug Deals

This one made me physically laugh
when I found out that this was a big reason for schools not being permitted.
Some kids have bodily signals to say they want some of someone’s pot. And to be
honest, someone can always ask outside of school, or pass a note with some sort
of code on it to ask for drugs. Example: “Today I am helping my mom in the
garden. You wanna help?” Seems innocent, right? Well I personally have asked
someone this question through a scrap of paper and it worked out. Schools need
to stop being so freaking paranoid when it comes to drugs. They already do
sometimes needed locker searches.

Schools Losing/Going
Through Phones

This one infuriates me on a high
level. There have been MANY kids at my school that have had their phones taken
away for texting in school and the school was irresponsible and LOST a
student’s property or even worse, let another student claim it as their own.
First of all, this is wrong. If my phone ever gets lost I swear they are
driving my down to T-Mobile and buying me a brand new phone, plus paying
T-Mobile to get my SIM card replaced. I will not accept a secretary losing my
expensive property. I have the Gravity 3. That’s I think a $200 phone. My
school better hope they don’t lose it if they take it away. Another thing that
schools do is hold a phone until the end of the year if a student is caught
with it over a certain number of times. They better be paying my bill every
month. My bill is $100 bucks a month. And don’t even say it’s my fault for
having my phone in school. They should not have the right to hold my personal
property. Just last week, my phone was taken away for texting in the bathroom.
(A teacher came out of a stall and caught me at the sink) The teacher who took
my phone told me I could have it back at the end of the day since it was the
first time I had my phone taken away. The secretary told me I had to wait until
the NEXT day after school. I was furious at the inconsistent school rules but
also mad at the fact that they were holding my property over night. The next
time I will refuse to hand in my phone and the reason is, some schools will go
through the cell phones that they collect in the office. This is an invasion of
privacy and there is no way around that. Don’t even try to argue that point.

I just think it is so stupid that
all this hype has to start just because cell phones appeared in some schools.
Our educators need to start trusting us some more. I mean, I could see banning
a specific student for using their phone if they were doing some of the bad
things mentioned above. That is completely understandable. Well, I better stop
now because my Graphic Design class is over in about 8 minutes. I’ll post later

